“When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” – Psalm 56:3
It cannot be said of any man that he is made without fear. Even the most courageous are not without some fear. When the church is in the
storm of persecution, and almost covered with the waves, the stoutest passengers in the storm may suffer from this boisterous passion as the storm rages without, and all for the lack of thoroughly believing, or not seasonably remembering that the Lord High Admiral of all the ocean, and Commander of all the winds, is on board the ship to steer and preserve her in the storm.
The Lord of hosts governs all creatures and their actions. All the armies of heaven and earth are at his command. We can rely
upon his care and love if we look to him in the day of trouble. We can trust him in danger, as a child trusts in the care and protection of his father—O what peace and rest!
Who would be afraid to pass through the midst of armed troops when you know that the General of the army is your own father? If we
sanctify the Lord of hosts as our heavenly Father, he will be a sanctuary to us in times of danger. He will surely protect, defend, and provide for us in the worst of times and cases. We can follow him as a cloud by day and a flame of fire by night! His glory will be our defense and place of refuge. Let the winds roar, the rains beat, the lightning flash—yet you are in safety.
The best of men are too apt to be overcome with fear in times of imminent distress and danger. But we do not duly consider God’s
almighty power, his vigilant care, unspotted faithfulness, and his engaged covenant for his people! This lies at the root of fear. If we
but once thoroughly understood what power there is in God’s hand to defend us, what tenderness in his heart to comfort us, and what faithfulness to all his promises given over to us, O, how quiet and calm would our hearts be! Our courage would quickly be up, and our fears down.
– John Flavel